What a interesting day to go on
actually i have to wake up early today
i doesn't want to
because i waited for my buddy message
wondering will he text me up
waited and waited
the 1st message i receive from that vege friend
every morning will text me once to say good morning to me
that sure be nice if my buddy text me every morning with that greeting
no hope for it just wondering

around 11.30am then he text me
mad about he just ask me to check foreign exchange rate for him
a good morning also no
every time like that
'can you this? can you that?'
nothing least
tell he about that then been blame back
shorten my life make me totally down
feel like wanna bite him off

then i went to my shop
then my brother told me he wanna go and have a hair cut
let him go then since there is no one to serve for the timing
he just go out for that few minutes
the customer keep on coming and coming
till i have no time to serve
everything i done it alone
luckily my little brother able help me a bit
less my burden
thanks GOD~
around 2 o'clock
a red shirt come to my shop wanna order a iced milo take away
that time only left two table of customer
he notice a bag lefted near to a chair
he started wanna open it up
i a bit worry and asked my brother to take it from he and put a aside
the he walk way
the second time he come in and wanna add on another iced milo
a customer shout
snatching bag happen in my shop
my heart beat really fast
what should i do, oh God
some helped to chase but the thief using motorcycle
how to chase?
oh my~
i call 999
then the police tell me, they will come in and check
but waited for half and hour
didn't even show up
so the customer decide to report by themself
feel so sorry for them
i really feel helpless
i can't even do anything for them
God do bless them, lend them a hand
the most mad is the police

around 4 o'clock my daddy come back
i told him about the case
my daddy say tomorrow gotta complaint to the tourism department
the buddy call me up
asking me to go out
alright then
forgive him 1st
always me forgive him
my mummy and sister coming back too that time
yet my sister went out again
then my mummy went to massage with aunty christina, her best friend
lefted my daddy alone
then follow buddy again
doing crime
the funny thing is the mice scare both of us up
bad mice
then buddy started play with fire
as my house fuse is broken till now not repair
still scare me with fire
he know i totally afraid of fire and dark
still scare me
make me cry
bad him!
then i went back to the shop
why the shop close?
saw my little at opposite of the temple
ask him why
my daddy get angry and close the shop cause he still have job to do
why don't he call?
always like to mad
don't care
open up the shop again
then customer started to come again
busy and busy
luckily buddy accompany me message
if not i been lefted alone again
i always been lefted alone
hate that word
around 7.15pm then the police come
mr policeman
what time now?
really really not efficient at all
the thief is already enjoying their meal

this is so call policeman
i still have to thank giving for everything
stay strong and healthy