after all this while
over and over again
i tried to smile
i release all my stress
paste every hurt with best paster
but yet it still there
scar remain

without realise
time passed by
result was out
everyone nervous
just a half hour result release
everyone texting each other
but me
only one text
only one
gone away
my standing in their heart is different
others might say why don't i ask
but who
who can i ask
yet my result is disappointing myself

this holiday
having so much trip and outing
yet keep on been isolated
i try to join
but been reject
i try to talk
but been ignore
why my holiday passed so miserable
funny thing
i argued with buddy in a trip
i done a crime with buddy in a trip
but i totally forget about the crime did happen
a trip can show friend their real self
so cruel
so cold
caring warm friend was totally gone
who are true and who are not
is hardly to define
what is the meaning of friend?
what is the meaning of honest?
anyone can define it?
stay within our self is selfish?
who is responsible of broken heart?
question mark everywhere
just like the clown acting
smile bring happiness